Flubromazolam is an under-the-counter sleep aid typically marketed as a sexual enhancement product. It is legal in most countries, however, some have restrictions in place on the sale of certain pharmaceuticals. Flubromazolam was first mentioned for its possible use in the short-term treatment of insomnia, stress, acute seizures, and the temporary sedation of ill patients in medical conditions. However, it has not been officially studied nor marketed for human therapeutic use. The primary sources for this supplement are naturopathic healers with an interest in native plant treatments.


Flubromazolam belongs to a group of benzodiazepine (anti-anxiety) drugs that function by altering the actions of various neurotransmitters within the brain. This class of drug includes such common substances as alprozalam, azapirones, fluphenazine, lofexidine, mesoridazine, and zorazepam. The effect of flubromazolam is similar to the actions of alprozalam, fluphenazine, and zorazepam; however, the concentration and duration of the effects are different among all four substances.

The Use of Flubromazolam

Flubromazolam is a scheduled alpha-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (LANAI) that is intended to be taken orally or sublingually. It is believed to affect the human brain chemistry by increasing alpha wave activity in the central nervous system (CNS), slowing the firing of neurons, and enhancing the efficiency of nerve transmission. There is substantial evidence of the clinical effects of flubromazolam when taken during the natural sleep phase on a regular basis in controlled tests using humans. When properly administered, flubromazolam is effective in inducing sleep, increasing alertness, and decreasing fatigue, but it has not been shown to improve any of the cognitive performance measures used to measure the effects of flubromazolam.

The claims of benefits for this herbal supplement have resulted in an increased demand for it by consumers who suffer from a range of common ailments, including anxiety and panic attacks, chronic pain, migraines, and sleep disorders. It is marketed in capsule form and can be purchased without a prescription. While it cannot be classified as a controlled substance, it does have a potential for abuse due to its psychoactive nature and potential for causing hallucinations, respiratory depression, and seizures. It is not believed to affect long term health or behavior. The use and safety of flubromazolam should be evaluated before use by children, women of child-bearing age, those taking certain medications, or those with a history of mental illness or seizure disorders.

Flubromazolam is primarily used to induce sleep in adults and is often used alone in low doses for relief of patients with minor irritability, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. However, this substance can also be used when combined with other benzodiazepines, specifically those with serotonergic properties like alprozalam and lofexidine. Generally speaking, these drugs work well as long as the doses are maintained steady and there is no obvious life-threatening situation. For this reason, patients using flubromazolam must be carefully monitored and doses reduced if there is no apparent need for the drug and a risk of overdose.


Similar Substances to Flubromazolam

Several substances that share a similarity with flubromazolam include tranquilizers, antidepressants, antihistamines, cough suppressants, and sedatives. Because flubromazolam shares some of these same characteristics with many of these drugs, it should be considered carefully before ingesting it. It is important to understand the different classes of stimulants or sedatives and the mechanisms by which they work. Keep in mind that although this article refers to flubromazolam, this is not intended to be an exhaustive or general overview of this particular substance or class of stimulants and sedatives.

Some Side Effects of Flubromazolam

When taken as recommended, flubromazolam produces mild sedation with minimal respiratory side effects and provides total sedation. Because it produces little or no side effects, flubromazolam can be safely taken for short periods, especially in cases where it is being used as a treatment for acute seizure disorders. Longer-term use of this drug may result in rebound depression, especially in people already predisposed to using benzodiazepines for milder conditions like insomnia and anxiety. Patients must be carefully monitored to ensure that proper dosages are not inadvertently eliminated because of unintentional weight loss.

It is important to note that flubromazolam produces sedation but does not alleviate all symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal. This substance can produce restlessness, irritability, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and a reduction in libido. Flubromazolam should never be used without a doctor’s prescription because its effects may be too pronounced. If you decide to use this drug for any reason, make sure that you have discussed it thoroughly with your doctor before doing so. While flubromazolam can produce a calming effect, its use could also lead to an addiction and severe complications such as rebound depression.