Etizolam belongs to the benzodiazepine group of drugs. It has many chemical names such as Etoxazolam, Etiganin, Ethoxazolam, Etodixol, etc. It is also known as Librium, Valium, Klonopin, Bromorice, Restoril, and Lunesta. It is known as a derivative of the non-benzodiazepine group of drugs. Etizolam belongs to the class of antidepressants. It acts as an anti-depressant in the central nervous system and other parts of the brain (1).

What is the use of Etizolam?

Etizolam could be useful for the treatment of insomnia, acute and chronic sleep deprivation, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and psychiatric conditions like psychosis, delusions, hallucinations, and thought disturbances. It has a sedative effect and acts as a muscle relaxant, relaxing all the muscles of the body and increasing alertness for the patient. It is also helpful for people who have undergone cranial surgery or those who have a difficult time sleeping. Etizolam could be very useful to people with personality disorder like bipolar disorder, eating disorder, alcoholism, and bulimia nervosa. Etizolam reduces sleep latency, improves daytime functioning, and improve alertness and mood in patients with narcolepsy (2).

Is Etizolam addictive?

Because Etizolam does not contain alcohol or any other substance, it does not form any physical addiction. In all forms of addiction, the main factor that triggers the addiction is the psychological basis of the disease. People who have taken it for long periods have not reported any kind of physical withdrawal symptoms. People who take it for a few days only develop mild psychological symptoms such as restlessness, irritability, fear, and anxiety (3)(4).

How effective is etizolam as an addiction treatment center drug?

The success rate for this drug depends on how severe the patient’s underlying disorder is. If the underlying problem is anxiety disorder, it will take a longer period of time to treat the patient’s anxiety disorder with etizolam compared to someone with a milder case of anxiety disorder. Etizolam works best for those with moderate to severe cases of anxiety disorder. Those with panic disorder or phobia may have better results when they use a different treatment.

Doctors may use different types of medications for treating different types of psychiatric conditions. Etizolam uses benzodiazepines as its main substance. However, some patients can use etizolam with sedatives, thereby increasing its effectiveness. Some people also prefer to use etizolam with other benzodiazepine drugs in order to achieve greater effects. Another substance that the drug takes in is calcium channel blockers.


How do benzodiazepine users compare to non-benzodiazepine users when it comes to their effectiveness in treating anxiety disorders?

It seems that benzodiazepine users suffer fewer withdrawal symptoms than non-benzodiazepine users. Although this is the case, this should be considered relative to the intensity of the patient’s condition. Many of the benzodiazepine users are people who are in chronic medical conditions which worsen their withdrawal symptoms. This could mean that the treatment is not as effective as it should be.

The U.S. FDA has approved etizolam vs. diazepam as the drug of choice for people who have problems with panic attacks. This may sound surprising given the severity of the side effects associated with the latter drug. However, in most cases, it is the long-term users of diazepam who suffer from addiction issues. Those who take less than two weeks to reach a tolerance point where the drugs no longer affect them will have little to no tolerance for etizolam. The users who require diazepams for the rest of their lives may not have had time to build up a tolerance and will need to adjust to etizolam’s effects.

This does not mean that one form of treatment is better than the other; it simply means that one type of treatment tends to be more efficient than the other when it comes to addressing different problems caused by anxiety disorders. Those who choose to use etizolam vs. diazepam for the treatment of their anxiety disorder need to make sure that they are aware of the differences between the two and select the treatment method that will work best for their individual needs. Although both benzodiazepines can be used successfully in the treatment of anxiety disorders, people suffering from any form of medical condition should never self-medicate.