Etizolam belongs to the family of drugs known as benzodiazepine drugs. It is a derivative of the non-benzodiazepine drug, lofexidine, which is also known as Etoxazoline. Etizolam was first developed by Janssen Pharmaceuticals Limited and it was later launched by Allergen Med (1).

Etizolam belongs to the class of drugs called TCAs or tricyclic antidepressants. It is commonly used for the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders and to relieve the symptoms associated with tics and motor problems like cramps, etc. The drug has also been prescribed for pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder. Etizolam contains two benzodiazepine chemicals – Etizolam hydrochloride and Etizolam sulfate, which act on the benzodiazepine receptor to prevent the re-absorption of neurotransmitter compounds (2)(3).


Some Side Effects

There are several side effects that can occur if this drug is used without proper prescription. Etizolam causes constipation and gastrointestinal disturbances in some people. The patients may experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. People taking Etizolam should be aware of the side effects and should not exceed the recommended dose. The most common side effects include visual impairment, drowsiness, dizziness, difficulty in concentration and memory, agitation, insomnia, and flu-like symptoms. These symptoms usually subside within 30 days of treatment (4).

Some people may experience allergic reactions when Etizolam-D is taken. In such a case, they may have skin rashes, hives, and/or swelling. This will usually subside after a few hours. However, some serious side effects have been reported. Such side effects include confusion, decreased libido, severe restlessness, difficulty in waking up, increase in blood pressure, increased heart rate, depression, suicidal thoughts, and agitation (5)(6).

The Use of Etizolam

Etizolam can be used for different purposes. It can be used to relieve tension and pain, especially in the muscles and bones. It is also useful for people who have sleeping disorders. Etizolam can relax the muscles of the tongue and also of the throat. It helps people who strain their throats and who breathe through their mouths but not through their noses. Etizolam can also be used to treat sleep apnea and snoring.

One of the most popular uses of Etizolam is for weight loss. The drug is believed to increase the rate at which fat is deposited by blocking the receptors found in fat cells. According to some studies, Etizolam has been shown to be effective in helping people to lose about three pounds (one to two pounds daily). It does, however, require a commitment to lifestyle changes. Etizolam cannot be used as a weight-loss aid if you are addicted to alcohol or have a pre-existing medical condition.


However, these benefits are not permanent. Etizolam can also have some serious side effects. These side effects can lead to further complications. Some of the common side effects include hallucinations, depression, memory loss, nausea, seizures, fever, lightheadedness, and diarrhea.

Precautions when using Etizolam

There are also some precautions that need to be taken before using this medication. Etizolam cannot be used by pregnant women and children less than six years old. People with cardiac problems, glaucoma, allergies, tumors, and taking other drugs should also avoid using Etizolam. Etizolam should not be combined with any anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications because it can produce severe reactions. Consult your doctor if you experience any side effects (7).

Buying Etizolam

Etizolam can be purchased over the counter and can be purchased in the US from online pharmacies. The drug can also be purchased via mail order. Before buying Etizolam, be sure to check with your pharmacist to make sure that the product you are considering ordering is safe for you to use. And if there are any side effects that you are aware of, contact your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Etizolam is well tolerated by most people. There have been very few, if any, reported side effects reported to date. However, there have been reports of dizziness, nausea, and headaches. Some people may experience difficulty sleeping because of the side effects. These side effects should go away within a week and will usually resolve when the drug is stopped.

Etizolam is not known to cause any serious side effects. In fact, the only ones seen so far are slight headaches that subside after a week or so. People experiencing more severe side effects may need to talk to their doctor before using Etizolam. Some people experience stomach upsets, nausea, and a change in skin texture. These are relatively mild and usually will go away after a few days.

Etizolam is not a drug for long-term use. It works best when it is taken short term. Because of its numerous side effects, people must be sure to follow all the instructions given with Etizolam.