What are Phenylpiperazines?

Information regarding this drug can be traced back to the year 1940. A British psychiatrist, Dr. Woodhead Coleman was working in South Africa when he discovered that the local people there used the sleeping tablet Phenylpiperazine to combat the symptoms of depression. The dosage for the pill was a mix of Phenylpyridinium and Diazepam, which are known as Benzodiazepines in the United States. This was not the first time that this chemical substance had been made available to the public but it was the first time that the medical community learned about Phenylpiperazine and how to use it.


Phenylpiperazines are also best known as serotonin receptor blockers (1).

What are the major effects of Phenylpiperazine?

As stated above, the Phenylpiperazine derivatives can help in the relief of depression and anxiety, but they are also known to cause certain side effects, including hallucinations. Another effect of the phenylpiperazine derivative is that it is highly effective in countering the reuptake of dopamine. This is because it reduces the level of receptor sites that receive dopamine when it enters the brain. This reduction results in less stimulation by the nerve cells.

How are Phenylpiperazines used today?

The medical uses of Phenylpiperazine and its derivatives are widespread and include the use to alleviate the side effects associated with antipsychotic and benzodiazepine drugs, the use of inpatient detox facilities to substitute drug addicts for outpatient programs, and the use of controlled substances, including methamphetamine, and to Zac, to induce altered states of consciousness. These drugs are also used by people to quit smoking and under pressure.

What are the risks and side effects of using Phenylpiperazines and its derivatives?

The main physical effect of the drug is decreased blood pressure and heart rate, which can result in a heart attack or stroke. It can also cause changes in behavior, such as memory loss and slurred speech. It may also increase the risk of suicidal thinking (2).

What are the long-term effects of Phenylpiperazines abuse?

Research Chemicals

Long-term use of the drug has many long-term physical and psychological effects. Some of these effects include hallucinations, severe anxiety, electrolyte imbalances (due to the lack of water in your system), convulsions, and even coma or death. The prolonged use of bzp and piperazine can also result in respiratory failure, permanent damage to the liver, and other serious health complications.

Can you over-use Phenylpiperazines?

People who abuse Phenylpiperazine are extremely dangerous. They need to be placed under close observation and their intake of drugs needs to be closely monitored. These drugs should never be taken with alcoholic beverages or foods, chocolate, caffeine, and any other stimulants, which can further increase the severity of the drug’s effects. In fact, if you suspect that someone you know may be abusing Phenylpiperazine, it is imperative that they seek immediate medical attention!

Can you use other drugs to make Phenylpiperazines less effective?

In some cases, other medications have been used to counter the effects of bzp and piperazines. Research has shown that diphenhydramine, or DMAE, has had little effect on people using the drug for depression, dementia, and insomnia, and has the least harmful side effects. This is contrary to the results obtained from studies conducted on animals. Similarly, quetiapine, an antipsychotic used to treat patients who are experiencing insomnia, has been found to be effective in reducing bzp and piperazines use.

Is there a way to reduce the severity of the side effects of Phenylpiperazine derivatives?

Yes, there are pharmaceutical alternatives to these drugs. Some of the less well-known drugs for this condition include tricyclics like Clomipramine (also known as Anafranil) and Norpramin, which work in a different and more efficient way than by or piperazines do. Tofreanil, an injectable drug, is also sometimes used as an alternative to Phenylpiperazine. Regardless of the form of chemical compound featuring Phenylpiperazine derivatives, the long-term risks far outweigh the short-term benefits.