Melatonin is a hormone that’s made in the body and is responsible for regulating the night and day cycles. It can also be found in supplements.

What does melatonin do?

In response to darkness, the brain produces melatonin. It helps with regulating the 24-hour internal clock and your sleep. Exposure to light during the night can hinder the production of this hormone.

When it comes to regulating the sleep cycle, melatonin plays a vital role. According to some studies, taking melatonin supplements can help treat various sleep disorders.

When light blocks the body’s production of melatonin, it signals the body to wake up. Some people with low levels of this hormone might benefit from taking melatonin supplements.

Most people who use melatonin are most likely to use it for improving their sleep and for treating jet lag. It’s also used for various conditions, such as dementia and depression, but there is not enough evidence supporting its use.

Although it’s generally safe to start taking melatonin, it’s not always clear how long you can use it. Also, unlike other sleep medications, it doesn’t induce a hangover effect.

Is melatonin for sleep safe?

In short, it’s generally safe to use melatonin for a short period of time. Unlike other sleep medications, you won’t experience a hangover effect or become dependent on it.

Adults are generally considered to be safe to use melatonin when they’re taking it for a short time. But, this drug can cause various side effects, such as fatigue, dizziness, and headaches. For the best results, avoid using machinery or driving for at least four hours after taking melatonin, or else risk experiencing these side effects.

What are the dangers of taking melatonin?

Some of the less common side effects of taking melatonin are depression and anxiety. It can also cause a feeling of irritability and reduced alertness. Since it can affect daytime drowsiness, avoid using heavy equipment or machinery after taking melatonin.

Who should not take melatonin?

If you’re breastfeeding or pregnant, taking melatonin shouldn’t be considered a safe practice. Unfortunately, there’s not enough evidence supporting its use in these conditions.

When should you take melatonin?

It’s best to take melatonin at least an hour before bedtime. The brain can increase the production of melatonin by about an hour to two hours. Using melatonin at this time can help facilitate the process.

What happens after taken melatonin?

After about 30 minutes, melatonin can start to make a positive impact on your body. It can help you feel more peaceful and tired. Having a relaxing environment can help you get the best possible night’s sleep.

How long does melatonin make you sleep?

Fast-acting supplements of melatonin can last for up to five hours. They can also help with conditions that require a longer sleep duration.

Is melatonin safer than sleeping pills?

It’s generally considered to be safe to use melatonin under the guidance of a medical professional. Unlike sleeping pills, this drug doesn’t have many side effects.