A wide variety of drugs known as hallucinogens can alter a person’s perception of their surroundings and thoughts. There are two main types of these substances: classic hallucinogens such as LSD and dissociative drugs such as PCP. Both of these can cause users to feel like they are experiencing a different reality. In addition, both types of drugs can also lead to users feeling out of control and disconnected from their environment. Although certain types of Hypnotic Hallucinogens have been regarded as distinct from the other traditional subclasses, such as muscimol, they are still considered to be part of the same family.

The word hallucinogen known to be derived from the word “hallucination,” which literally means “to wander in the mind.” It first appeared in 1595–1605. Hallucinogens are a diverse class of drugs that affect the brain’s glutamate system. Using them can cause a variety of effects, from altered moods to hallucinations. In the United States, it’s common to consume hallucinogens, and it’s particularly common among young adults. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 17 percent of Americans aged 18 to 25 use some form of hallucinogen.

Hallucinogenic substances are commonly extracted from mushrooms or plants. They have been used for various rituals and religious practices. Today, people are more likely to use these drugs for recreational or social purposes. Some of these people also report experiencing spiritual experiences or having fun. It is also important to note that some Hallucinogens are synthetic (human-made).

Some Common Hallucinogens

One of the most powerful substances known to affect one’s mind is LSD, which is produced by the fungus lysergic acid diethylamide. This substance can be found in various grains, such as rye.

A synthetic hallucinogen known as 251-NBOMe is similar to MDMA and LSD but has a more potent effect. This substance can be used in brain research. It is sometimes referred to as N Bomb or 251.

Psilocybin; This substance is produced by various types of fungi that are commonly found in subtropical and tropical regions such as the US, Mexico, and South America.

Peyote also known as mescaline is a small cactus with its main ingredient to be mescaline. It can also be synthetic.

DMT is a powerful chemical that can be found in some plants in the Amazon rainforest. This substance is commonly used in the production of Ayahuasca, which is a type of tea made from these plants. People can also make DMT in a laboratory. The synthetic version of this chemical is usually white crystalline powder.

Some Characteristics

In 1985, Leo Hollister presented a set of criteria that he considered to be the ideal way to classify drugs as hallucinogenic. His list has since been expanded by Richard Glennon to include other types of drugs with different behavioral and pharmacological effects. These two criteria narrow the scope of the category to classical hallucinogenic substances.

In addition to the effects of the drug itself, other factors such as mood and perception should also be taken into account to determine the appropriate level of impairment. These include the minimal impact of neuropsychiatric and intellectual impairment, as well as the elimination of addictive craving.

According to researchers, some hallucinogenic substances work by interfering with the communication between the spinal cord and brain. These substances also affect the actions of a brain chemical known as serotonin, which regulates multiple physiological processes such as sleep, body temperature, sensary perception, hunger, and mood.

Taxonomy and Nomenclature

Most hallucinogens are classified according to their pharmacological properties. Some of these include psychedelics, dissociatives, and deliriants. However, some of these substances have pharmacological properties that are different from those of other drugs. For instance, ibogaine and salvinorin A have different pharmacological properties.

Although the term hallucinogen is commonly used to refer to the various types of drugs that are covered in this article, it is sometimes used to only refer to classical hallucinogens, such as psychedelics. This is because the multiple facets of the phenomenology of these substances have not resulted in a standardized definition of what hallucinogens are.

More to Learn About Hallucinogens

The use of hallucinogens has a long and rich history. In addition to their medicinal and spiritual applications, these drugs are also often abused due to their psychoactive effects. Various hallucinogens produce different effects on the user, including altered perceptions of time, space, and even feelings. While they can provide enjoyable mental stimulation, bad trips can be terrifying and result in irrational fears. In addition, many hallucinogens have dangerous side effects, including addiction, physical dependency, and even death.

Hallucinogens act on neural circuits in the brain to create distorted or hallucinatory effects. The most prominent effect hallucinogens have is on the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that controls mood, perception, and cognition. Abuse of hallucinogens can cause a dependency on this neurotransmitter, causing the body to produce insufficient amounts on its own. Therefore, if you suspect you have taken too much, call triple zero (000).

Many hallucinogens are classified as Schedule I drugs under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning they have a high potential for abuse and have no accepted medical use in the US. Addiction to hallucinogens is rare but can occur if the individual uses them on a regular basis. Although withdrawal symptoms from hallucinogen use are rare, they may trigger depression or other mental health problems. The Recovery Village offers a comprehensive list of resources for substance use reduction.

Although hallucinogens do not have addictive properties, prolonged use can lead to psychological and physical side effects. In rare cases, hallucinogens can induce psychotic symptoms, including schizophrenic behavior. In this case, people take more drugs to achieve the same effects. A person may also develop a tolerance for a hallucinogen like LSD, which can lead to depression and even suicidal thoughts.

A person who uses a hallucinogen may experience hallucinations, a common side effect of using these drugs. Hallucinations start within twenty to 90 minutes of consumption and can last up to 12 hours, depending on the dosage. Hallucinogens can also cause physical and psychological problems, including altered sleeping and eating habits. So, it is important to get professional help if you are suffering from these symptoms. If you’re considering using hallucinogens, make sure you do your research. You may need to consult a doctor.

Behavioral therapies can also help a person overcome their addiction. Licensed counselors can offer tips on how to cope with stress and avoid negative emotions. Hallucinogens have no FDA-approved medications, but behavioral therapy can help a person overcome their addiction. Outpatient and inpatient treatment centers are available for many types of addictions, including hallucinogen addiction. A dedicated recovery provider will help you find the right treatment to help you overcome your addiction.

Are hallucinogens addictive?

In some cases, hallucinogenic substances can be addictive. It has been known that people can develop tolerance to them.

Although LSD is not considered an addictive substance, users who repeatedly use it can develop tolerance. This means that those who use the drug need to take higher doses in order to achieve the same effect. This practice is very dangerous since the unpredictable nature of the drug can cause users to act irrationally. Besides LSD, users can also develop tolerance to other hallucinogenic substances such as psilocybin.

Although DMT is not considered an addictive substance, its misuse and addiction potential is still unknown. Also, there is not enough evidence supporting the use of ayahuasca tea as a treatment for addiction.

Although LSD is not considered an addictive substance, users who repeatedly use it can develop tolerance. This means that those who use it can develop withdrawal symptoms. People who stop using PCP experience headaches, sweating, and drug cravings. More research is needed to understand the potential of various hallucinogenic substances.


Although there are currently no FDA-approved medications for treating addiction to hallucinogens, there are various behavioral therapies that can help patients. Scientists need more research to determine if these therapies are effective at reducing the effects of these substances on individuals.

Medicinal Potential

Some hallucinogenic substances are being studied for their potential to treat mental disorders.

In the past, ketamine was used as an anesthetic for various medical procedures. In 2019, it was approved by the FDA to treat severe depression in patients who do not respond well to other therapies.

Although esketamine is approved for treating depression, it is closely related to ketamine, which is used for illicit purposes. Because of this, the drug will only be administered in medical facilities.

Unlike a prescription, esketamine can be given in a medical facility as a nasal spray. It is only given to patients who are under supervision. They are required to wait at least 2 hours for the medication to be administered.

Unlike other antidepressants, esketamine is a rapid-acting treatment that can improve the effects of depression in just a couple of weeks. It’s different from traditional drugs, which are mainly focused on the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. With this new approach, patients can expect to see significant improvements in their depression symptoms.

Psilocybin has also been known to improve the symptoms of depression. In response to the findings, the FDA has granted a breakthrough therapy designation to two drugs that are being studied as potential treatments for depression. These drugs are being studied under medical supervision.