The use and availability of new psychoactive substances (NPS) have increased significantly over the past decade. These substances can be found in various forms, such as natural plant-based compounds and synthetic compounds.

“New psychoactive substances” are referred to as legal highs, and they mimic the effects of illicit drugs. However, they are not approved for human consumption. Instead, they are produced with compounds that are legal to possess, sell, and use. Based on their effects on different cognitive processes, such as mood and behavior, these substances can be categorized into four categories.

Although they can exhibit a combination of these effects, the main psychoactive substances are usually categorized into two categories: psychostimulants and SCs. Although the prevalence of these substances varies across different countries, the most common use of them is by psychostimulants and SCs. Currently, there is still a lack of information about the potential side effects of these substances.

The number of people presenting with emergencies related to the use of new psychoactive substances has increased significantly. This suggests that their negative effects on the health and social consequences of chronic and recreational users are real.

What are legal highs?

These are synthetic substances that are designed to imitate the effects of illegal drugs such as cocaine and MDMA.

Legal highs are psychoactive substances that can produce varying effects. Some of these are illegal, while others are not. They can produce the same effects as illicit drugs such as ecstasy and cocaine.

These substances have a wide range of effects and symptoms, and they can be associated with different types of addiction. For instance, if you are a user of a so-called legal high, the effects of the drug can vary depending on how much of it you have been consuming.

These substances are commonly sold in various forms, such as pills, powder, capsules, smoking mixtures, and perforated tabs. They are often found in “head shops,” which are similar to drug stores. The packaging of these products usually has a bright and catchy name, and it should catch your attention immediately. However, you might not be able to tell if the ingredients are what they claim.

The powders can range from white to yellow in color, and they can also have varying shapes and sizes. The capsules and pills come in different shapes and colors, and they usually have labels that refer to herbal or incense smoking mixtures. The other types of products often have vibrant and colorful packaging, and they usually contain dried herbs or plant cuttings.

In addition to being used as a smoking mixture, synthetic cannabinoids can also be added to various vegetable matter and dried herbs.

Some people have reportedly injected legal highs. These substances cannot be labeled as such since they are not for human consumption. They are often marketed as incense, bath salts, or plant food.

How are legal highs taken?

New psychoactive substances, which are often referred to as NPS, are usually ingested or taken as powder or pills. On the other hand, smoking mixtures containing these substances can be done using a pipe or a joint.

There have been reports of people injecting drugs, which is very dangerous as it can lead to fatal or harmful levels of the substance. Injecting can also damage veins, which can cause blood clots or an abscess. These conditions can lead to various health problems such as heart disease and blood infections.

What are the effects of legal highs?

These substances can be categorized into three categories: stimulants, sedatives, and psychedelics. Stimulants can make users feel energized, while sedatives can make them feel relaxed or euphoric. As psychedelics the user can hallucinate.

There’s not enough information about the various effects of drugs on people. Also, they don’t know how they can affect people when they’re combined with other substances.

The packaging of drugs might contain a list of ingredients, but you can’t be sure that it contains the correct ones. This means that you can’t be sure that the drugs that you’ve bought or received have the intended effect.

The main effects of various psychoactive substances, such as those that are commonly referred to as legal highs, can be explained using the four main categories. While these drugs will typically have similar effects, they will also have varying strengths and can affect different people.


Valium and diazepam are commonly used to treat anxiety and other conditions. However, other sedatives and psychoactive substances, such as GHB and GBL, can make people feel relaxed and euphoric.


Stimulants, such as naphyrone and mephedrone, are similar to drugs such as ecstasy and cocaine in that they can make users feel incredibly energetic and motivated.


Psychotropic substances, such as LSD, magic mushrooms, ketamine, and methoxetamine, can cause users to hallucinate and alter their perception. These can also induce feelings of warmth, euphoria, and detachment from the world around them.

Synthetic cannabinoids

These synthetic cannabinoids, which are commonly referred to as Black Mamba or Spice, can act similarly to cannabis. They can cause various effects, such as disinhibition, relaxation, and euphoria.

Risks involve with Legal Highs

Although it’s possible to buy new psychoactive substances, it’s not always clear what they contain and how they can affect you.

With Psychedelics

New psychoactive substances can cause severe hallucinatory reactions and confusion. These are substances such as ketamine, LSD, magic mushrooms. These can also make people behave erratically and put their own safety at risk. Individuals judgements can be interfered, which could lead to you acting dangerously or even hurting yourself.

With Stimulants

These drugs can make you feel disinhibited and overconfident, which can lead to paranoia, panic, confusion, and anxiety. They can also cause psychosis, which can put your own safety at risk. In addition, they can affect your nervous system and heart, which can make you more susceptible to colds and flu. After stopping using these, you may feel low for a while.

With Synthetic Cannabinoids

These substances could cause severe intoxication if taken in large doses. In addition to affecting the central nervous system, they can also cause various other conditions such as seizures and high blood pressure.

With Sedatives

These drugs can reduce your concentration and inhibitions, make you feel physically and mentally unstable, and slow down your reactions, which can lead to accidents. They can also cause unconsciousness and death, especially when mixed with other drugs or alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe, and heavy users may need medical attention.

Mixing with other drugs

Majority of the risks that are involved with these substances magnifies when they are mixed with other drugs or with alcohol. Mixing of these substances can even lead to death. For what ever reasons it is important not to mix these substances with other psychoactive drugs or alcohol.